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Dr. LAU Fung Ha, Lesley

Art Promotion Office (Hong Kong)

Fellowship Project

Dr. Lesley Lau spent four months at The British Museum in London, U.K., where she conducted research on the museum’s Chinese export art collection with a focus on the Reeves collection.


Dr. Lesley Lau is the founding curator of the Art Promotion Office (APO) and the art space, Oi!. She had also worked for the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre and the Heritage & Museums Division of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, specialising in Chinese export art as well as public and community art development in Hong Kong.

Recent Development and Achievement

    Dr. Lesley Lau is leading the APO in curating a five-year (2019–2023) exhibition and school programme series named “Traversing the Forbidden City”. Comprising different themes relating to the arts, culture and heritage of the Palace Museum, the series presented the first online exhibition “The Common Folks behind the Vermilion Walls” in 2020, offering a glimpse into the life of ordinary people at the imperial palace.

    In the remaining three years of the project, APO will work with the student curators of the Department of Fine Arts of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to launch three other exhibitions, namely “Sentiment and Sensibility behind the Vermilion Walls”, “The Masterpieces behind the Vermilion Walls” and “Reckoning in Lives behind the Vermilion Walls”, introducing the Forbidden City from an array of aspects and different stories.

Selected Publication(s)

  • 劉鳳霞 (2018)。〈洋人眼裡的中國形象 — 從真偽遊記到廣州外銷藝術品〉,載於廣州大學廣州發展研究院(主編),《2018廣州學與全球城市發展國際論壇論文集》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2017)。〈從香港藝術館所藏的五幅歷史繪畫看饒宗頤教授的「五重證據法」〉。載於康樂及文化事務署(主編),《香港博物館期刊一期》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2015)。〈不是明信片 — 十七至十九世紀中國外銷畫的特殊功能〉。載於香港大學饒宗頤學術館(主編),《饒宗頤教授百歲華誕國際學術研討會會議論文集》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2014)。〈口岸文化 — 從廣東的外銷藝術品探討近代中西文化的相互觀照〉。載於廣東省博物館(主編),《異趣同輝 — 清代外銷藝術品國際學術研討會論文集》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2012)。〈口岸文化 — 從廣東的隔山畫派及外銷畫到上海的月份牌畫〉。載於嶺南畫派紀念館(主編),《「嶺南畫派在上海」國際學術研討會論文集》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2011)。〈繁華都會與鬼魊 — 從十三行為主題的中國外銷畫看口岸文化的發展〉。載於廣州大學(主編),《「廣州十三行與清代中外關係」國際學術研討會論文集》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2010)。〈被遺忘的國際都會 — 以十七至十九世紀的廣州城市意象為中心〉。載於中山大學(主編),《全球與區域之間“近代早期廣州口岸史研究”國際學術研討會論文集》。
  • 劉鳳霞 (2010)。〈雅懷德風 — 記徐展堂先生及其弘揚中國文化藝術的志業〉。《信報》。