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Ms. XIONG Ying-fei

Deputy Director and Curator
Conservation Center
Shanghai Museum (Shanghai)

Fellowship Project

Ms. Xiong Ying-fei spent six months at the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in Washington D.C., U.S.A., where she conducted research on the chemical composition and technical characteristics of colorants in iron and copper glazes on ancient Chinese ceramics. The results were combined with the existing data at the Shanghai Museum to improve the ancient ceramics research database. During the fellowship, Ms. Xiong conducted tests on 52 porcelain pieces representative of important periods in China. By using different test methods and comparing them with standard samples, the chemical composition of glazes was accurately quantified. Finally, through classifying and analysing the data, Ms. Xiong preliminarily discussed the characteristics of glazes on iron and copper colored enamel, features of the glazing process and the main factors affecting glaze colors.


Ms. Yingfei Xiong currently serves as Deputy Director and Curator of the Conservation Center at the Shanghai Museum. She is also the Deputy Chairman and Secretary-general of a committee responsible for testing and analysing cultural relics at the China Association for Conservation Technology of Cultural Heritage.

Selected Publication(s)

  • 王恩元、熊櫻菲、朱逸冰與吳婧瑋(2019)。〈廣富林文化陶器的陶衣與摻合料研究〉。《文博》, 2019(6)。
  • 熊櫻菲、王恩元、吳婧瑋與龔玉武(2019)。〈《南澳Ⅰ號》出水青花瓷的製作技術分析〉。《文物保護與考古科學》,2019(4)。
  • 王恩元、熊櫻菲、吳婧瑋、龔玉武與王建文(2019)。〈古陶瓷釉面析晶的研究〉。《陶瓷學報》,2019(2)。
  • 吳婧瑋、熊櫻菲、龔玉武、王恩元與王建文(2018)。〈上海青龍鎮遺址出土瓷器和磚瓦樣品熱釋光特性研究〉。《文物保護與考古科學》,2018(5)。
  • Xiong, Y., Huo, H., Li, Y., & Zhou, J. (2014). Research on the chemical composition of Hongwu porcelains from Jingdezhen. Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology, 2014(3), 59-64.