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Research Administration Department, The Palace Museum (Beijing)

Fellowship Project

Ms. Sheng Jie will spend 4 months at the Tokyo National Museum in Japan to research its collection of Song and Yuan Chinese paintings and better understand the academia of Chinese painting studies in Japan, in order to build a solid foundation and a broader horizon for her role of scholarly editor at the Palace Museum Academy.


Ms. Sheng Jie is currently working as Researcher at the Research Administration Department of The Palace Museum, where she participated in the editing of articles on Chinese painting and calligraphies for the Journal of The Palace Museum. She also contributed to research and publications on Chinese painting and calligraphy connoisseurship.

Recent Development and Achievement

    Ms. Sheng Jie is currently working on the collection of Song and Yuan painting and calligraphy at the Palace Museum, including connoisseurship and collection research, as well as collection management. Part of her research outcomes has been published in journals or presented in seminars. In terms of academic research, Ms. Sheng Jie has devoted herself to the study of the Connoisseurship of Song and Yuan Chinese painting and its colophons, which turned into a number of articles in scholarly journals, such as Journal for Art Research (《美術研究》) and Journal for Art Observation (《美術觀察》). Her research outcomes were delivered at the “First Symposium on the Identification and Connoisseurship of Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy” (第一屆中國古書畫鑒定與鑒藏研討會).

Selected Publication(s)

  • 盛潔(2022)。〈從《攻媿集》所載題跋看樓鑰的書畫鑒定〉。《美術觀察》2022年第3期。
  • 盛潔(2022)。〈元末畫家馬琬書畫藝術淺說〉。《故宮學刊》2022年。
  • 盛潔(2021)。〈宋代館閣曝書與書畫鑒藏〉。《美術大觀》,2021年第9期。
  • 盛潔(2020)。〈元末畫家馬琬生平考略〉。《美術研究》,2020年第5期。
  • 盛潔、車旭東(2016)。〈王蒙《雲林小隱圖》小考〉。《文物鑒定與鑒賞》,2016年第12期。