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Dr. LEI Yong

Deputy Director and Research Fellow
Conservation Department
The Palace Museum (Beijing)

Fellowship Project

Dr. Lei Yong spent six months at The Art Institute of Chicago in the U.S.A. where he contributed to research on pigments and its technical applications associated with wood architectural conservation.


Dr. Lei Yong received a bachelor’s degree in history from the School of Museology at Northwest University in China in 1997, a master’s degree in history from the School of Archaeology and Museology at Peking University in 2000, and a Doctor of Science from the Institute of High Energy Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2004. Since 2004, he has been engaged in the protection and scientific research of cultural relics and ancient buildings at The Palace Museum. He is now Deputy Director of the Conservation Department at The Palace Museum and the Head of Key Laboratory of Ministry and Tourism on Calligraphies and Paintings Conservation.

During his doctorate and master’s studies, Dr. Lei conducted analyses and origin research of Tang Sancai and Emperor Qinshihuang’s Terracotta Army. His doctoral dissertation used instrumental neutron activation analysis technology to determine the elemental composition of Tang Sancai kiln sites, tombs, and architectural sites.

Since joining The Palace Museum in 2004, he has been engaged mainly in the scientific analysis and research on the preservation and conservation of architectural paintings, murals, painted sculptures and lacquer decorations, as well as gel cleaning of cultural relics. He has published dozens of papers on the research and conservation of ancient ceramics and painted cultural relics in domestic and foreign journals and has participated in many international academic conferences in China and abroad.

Recent Development and Achievement

    • Dr. Lei Yong currently serves as ICOM-CC Working Group Coordinator for Scientific Research (2023-2026).

Selected Publication(s)

  • 孔艷菊、李廣華與雷勇(2020)。〈《香港圖》插屏命名考證及修復 〉。《故宮博物院院刊》,218,頁92-101。
  • 段鴻鶯、丁銀忠、韓情、呂成龍、雷勇與史寧昌(2018)。〈故宮博物院藏傳世哥窯、明清仿哥瓷器及相關窯址瓷片的關聯研究〉。《故宮博物院院刊》, 200,頁23-34。
  • 雷勇 (2018年10月)。〈《南京報恩寺琉璃塔》版畫對西方「中國式風格」的影響〉。 《紫禁城》 ,285,頁90-103。
  • 賈翠、曲亮、張蕊、冀洛源、單瑩瑩與雷勇 (2018) 。〈故宮南大庫出土黑地琺瑯彩瓷的科學分析和工藝研究〉。《故宮博物院院刊》,195,頁130-137。
  • 康葆強、李合、段鴻鶯、丁銀忠、趙蘭與雷勇 (2018)。〈故宮出土元代孔雀藍釉琉璃瓦的原料及工藝研究〉。《故宮學刊》,19,頁191-199。
  • 馬越、雷勇與王時偉 (2017) 。〈故宮玉粹軒壁紙成分分析與工藝研究〉。 《故宮博物院院刊》, 189,頁154-159。
  • 曲亮、沈愛國、段鴻鶯、馬越、雷勇與王時偉 (2016)。〈故宮符望閣建築裝飾構件中琺瑯釉的分析研究〉。《故宮博物院院刊》,186 ,頁126-144。
  • 雷勇 (2015)。〈國際文物修護學會(IIC)2014香港會議紀要〉。《故宮博物院院刊》 ,178,頁139-152。
  • 楊紅、劉夢雨與雷勇 (2015)。〈故宮咸福宮區明代中晚期建築彩畫科學分析與特徵研究〉。《故宮學刊》,15,頁276-296。
  • 曲亮、王時偉、李秀輝、康葆強與雷勇 (2013)。 〈故宮靈沼軒金屬構件的病害分析及其成因研究〉。《故宮博物院院刊》,166,頁125-138。
  • 雷勇、文明與成小林(2012)。 〈甘肅省永登縣連城魯土司屬寺壁畫的科學分析和時代研究〉。《故宫博物院院刊》,160,頁133-154。
  • 雷勇、成小林、楊紅、曲亮與王時偉 (2010)。 〈進口藍色顏料Smalt在故宮建福宮彩畫中的使用和保存狀況的研究〉。《故宫博物院院刊》,150,頁140-156。