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Dr. HUANG Xiaofeng

Dean and Professor
School of Humanities
Central Academy of Fine Arts (Beijing)

Fellowship Project

Dr. Huang Xiaofeng spent twelve months at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in the U.S.A., where he conducted research on the museum’s collection of Chinese paintings and assisted in compiling a catalogue of the museum’s Chinese antique collection.


Dr. Huang Xiaofeng is currently Associate Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Humanities of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. He received his B.A. (2002), M.A. (2005) and Ph.D. (2008) in Art History from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. His research focuses on the history of traditional Chinese paintings. From 2006 to 2008, he was invited by The British Museum to conduct research on the museum’s Chinese painting collection. In 2010/2011, he was selected as a Visiting Scholar of the Art History Training Program at the Harvard-Yenching Institute.

Recent Development and Achievement

    In 2020, Dr. Huang Xiaofeng was invited by Hina Book (後浪出版公司) to collaborate on a series of 26 audio lectures on Chinese art history, titled “黃小峰精講中國藝術史”.

Selected Publication(s)

  • 黃小峰 (2020)。〈拯救鄭思肖:一位南宋「遺民」的繪畫與個人生活〉。《美術研究》,2020(4)。
  • 黃小峰 (2018)。 〈紫禁城的黎明:晚明的帝都景觀與官僚肖像〉。載於李安源(主編),《與造物遊:晚明藝術史研究》(頁 9-60)。湖南:湖南美術出版社。
  • 黃小峰(2018)。 〈兒戲與沙場:13—16世紀嬰戲圖中對戰爭的回應與想像〉。 《美術研究》,2018(5)。
  • 黃小峰 (2018)。〈公主的婚禮:《百子圖》與南宋嬰戲繪畫(上)〉。《美術觀察》,2018(11),107-114。
  • 黃小峰 (2018)。〈公主的婚禮:《百子圖》與南宋嬰戲繪畫(下)〉。《美術觀察》,2018(12),107-112。
  • 黃小峰(2017)。 〈繁花、嬰戲與骷髏:尋覓宋畫中的端午扇〉。 《浙江大學藝術與考古研究》,2017(1),196-231。
  • 黃小峰(2017)。《入畫的墻壁。載於壁上觀》。北京:北京大學出版社。
  • 黄小峰(2012)。《看畫治病:傳宋人〈觀畫圖〉研究》,《美苑》,2012(4)。
  • 黃小峰(2011)。 〈石橋、木筏與15世紀的商業空間:《盧溝運筏圖》新探〉。 《中國國家博物館館刊》,2011(1),66-79。
  • 黃小峰(2010)。《西園雅集:兩宋人物畫》。上海:上海書畫出版社。
  • 黃小峰(2009)。《張萱「虢國夫人游春圖」》。北京:文物出版社。
  • 黃小峰(2007)。〈樂事還同萬眾心—《貨郎圖》解讀〉。 《故宮博物院院刊》,130,103-117。