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Dr. LAU Sheung Ying

Assistant Curator I
Chih Lo Lou
Hong Kong Museum of Art (Hong Kong)

Fellowship Project

Dr. Lau Sheung Ying spent four and half months at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology at the University of Oxford in the U.K., where she studied the museum’s Chinese painting collection and engaged in exchange with her colleagues on exhibition planning and museum education.


Dr. Lau Sheung Ying is currently Assistant Curator I (Chih Lo Lou) at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Specializing in Ming, Qing and modern Chinese paintings, her research focuses on how Chinese artists leverage their works to construct and maintain their social network, and how their social activities shaped their artistic practice.

Recent Development and Achievement

    Dr. Lau Sheung Ying has recently curated the exhibition “Honoring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty”. She is now preparing an exhibition on the theme of shopping in Canton during the 18th and 19th century.

Selected Publication(s)


  • Lau, S. Y. (2021). The meeting of east and west: Wu Guanzhong and Michael Sullivan. Orientations, 52(1), 48-55.
  • Lau, S. Y. (2020). Jinshi’s album of “poems and essays in running-cursive script” in The Chih Lo Lou collection, Art & Collection, 335, 100-105.
  • Lau, S. Y. (2019). Elites in Buddhist priesthood: Lingnan monk artists in the Chih Lo Lou collection. In The Chih Lo Lou Collection of Chinese Painting and Calligraph: Vol. I Ming Loyalists (pp.82-93). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art.

Exhibition catalogues (editorial team)

  • Honouring Tradition and Heritage: Min Chiu Society at Sixty. Hong Kong: Min Chiu Society, 2020.
  • The Chih Lo Lou Collection of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy: Ming Loyalists. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2019.
  • Hall of Mental Cultivation of The Palace Museum: Imperial Residence of Eight Emperors. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2017.