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Dr. YU Ying

Associate Curator
Shanghai Museum (Shanghai)

Fellowship Project

Dr. Yu Ying will spend 5 months at the Cleveland Museum of Art, where she will study collections relevant to her research topic of “Investigation, Classification and Study in the Technology Exchanges of Tapestries unearthed along the Silk Road”, starting in September 2024. In addition, Dr. Yu will assist the museum in authenticating, photographing and cataloging selective collections of ancient costumes and textiles.


Dr. Yu Ying is Associate Curator of the Art and Crafts Research Department at the Shanghai Museum. Her research focuses on ancient costumes and dyeing, weaving and embroidery technology. She graduated from the Institution of Fashion and Art Design of Donghua University with a doctorate degree in fashion design and engineering in 2010. She was a visiting scholar at the British Museum in 2013, where she studied ancient tapestries in the U.K. Since 2019, she has been in charge of the project “Investigation, Classification and Study in the Technology Exchanges of Tapestries unearthed along the Silk Road” supported by the National Social Science Fund. In 2021, she curated the exhibition “Painting with Threads: Kesi and Embroidery During Ming and Qing Dynasties” at the Shanghai Museum.

Dr. Yu is the author of Jiangnan: Silk Textiles, Painting Embroidery and Indigo Print Gu’s Embroidery, and she has also participated in the compilation of six books including Gu’s Embroidery. She has published more than ten papers including On JI, Gu’s Embroidery, Investigating the Origin of Kesi and Embroidery Art During the Ming and Qing Dynasties and The Woolen Skirt with Tapestry Band from Sampula, Xinjiang, China.

Recent Development and Achievement

    Other than participating in the research and exhibition planning of the silk and embroidery textile collection at the museum, Dr. Yu Ying is currently working on the research project “Investigation, Classification and Study in the Technology Exchanges of Tapestries unearthed along the Silk Road”. She will visit museums in the eastern United States to study their textile and clothing collections, conducting in-depth research into some of the tapestries. After completing her research in 2023, she will publish two papers and complete a draft monograph. Based on the research findings, Dr. Yu will organize international seminars (2021), curate exhibitions (2021-2022), and plan new exhibitions at the Shanghai Museum East in 2022.

Selected Publication(s)

  • Yu, Y. (2021). A study of the Yuan Dynasty deel found in the Yetekezimazha cemetery in Shanshan, Xinjiang. Wenwu Cultural Relics, 2021(7), 70 – 82.
  • 于穎(2021)。〈明清緙繡書畫發展源流〉。載於《丝理丹青:明清缂绣书画特集》(頁9-19)。上海:上海书画出版社。
  • 于穎(2020)。《江南染織繡》。上海:上海人民出版社。
  • Yu, Y. (2013). The woolen skirt with tapestry band from Sampula, Xinjiang, China. Asian Textiles, 10, 20-24.
  • 于穎(2012)。〈罽論〉。《上海博物館集刊》,12,360-377。
  • 于穎(2010)。〈明代顧繡針法技藝探析〉。《絲綢》,5,47-51。